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Friday, October 3, 2014
Georgia Happenings
Fun at the Park: Crooked River State Park, 6222 Charlie Smith Senior Highway, St. Marys. Parking $5. (912) 882-5256.
¦ Roving Ranger, 3-4 p.m. Features a park ranger roving through the campground to answer questions and share information about the park.
¦ Campfire Fun, 6-7 p.m. Features a ranger with stories and songs around a campfire. Bring s’mores supplies and roasting sticks. Free.
¦ Sunset Boat Cruises, 6-8 p.m. Features a park ranger-guided tour on birds, dolphin and marine creatures that inhabit this ecosystem. $30. Registration required. (912) 882-5256.
St. Simons Food & Spirits Festival, through Sunday, various venues. (912) 638-3158 or saintsimonsfoodandspirits.com.
¦ Friday — Sip, Taste and Tour Pier Crawl, check-in, 5:30 p.m., pier crawl, 6-8 p.m., dance music, 8-10 p.m., Heritage Center, 610 Beachview Drive, get a passport to the pier, featuring live music by the Spike at the Beach Band, $30.; Friday Night Festival Feast, 7 p.m., Halyards Restaurant, 55 Cinema Lane, $200.
¦ Saturday — The Grand Oaks Tasting Tour, noon-3 p.m., Gascoigne Bluff, with arts, crafts and farmers market, 11 a.m.-4 p.m., Tasting Tent, noon-3 p.m., Mixology Tent, informational sessions and a Kid Zone, $50; Festival Oyster Roast, 7 p.m., Coastal Kitchens, 102 Marina Drive, with special guest Libbie Summers, featuring samples and music by Jeff Montaigne, $25.
¦ Sunday — SPIRITual Sunday Brunch, 12:30-3:30 p.m., King & Prince Resort, 201 Arnold Road. Includes a seated brunch and soulful guest singers. $75.
Rock Shrimp Festival, 7:30 a.m.-6 p.m., downtown St. Marys. Schedule includes 5K and 10K races, 7:30 a.m.; vendors, 9 a.m.-6 p.m.; a 1-mile Kids Fun Run, 8:30 a.m.; race awards, 9:30 a.m.; parade, 10 a.m.; dinners, live entertainment and demonstrations, 11 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Program in conjunction with Railroad Days featuring the St. Marys Express train excursions with a live steam locomotive train, viewing rail equipment and 1/8 scale trains at Theatre by the Trax. (912) 882-4000 or visitstmarys.com.
Free exercise class, 9-10 a.m. Saturdays, Agape Church, 10600 Colerain Road, St. Marys. Exercise using only free weights and a mat. (912) 576-2008 or email getufit2008@yahoo.com.
Fun in the Okefenokee, Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge’s Visitor Center, about 11 miles southwest of Folkston, off Georgia 121/23. (912) 496-7836 or fws.gov/okefenokee.
¦ The Special Bird of the Okefenokee, hike 9 a.m., program 2 p.m. Saturdays, on the unique requirements of the endangered red-cockaded woodpecker.
¦ Cane Pole Trail Nature Walk, 10 a.m. Saturdays, on the Okefenokee’s plants and animals and the importance of fire, Chesser Island Boardwalk.
¦ Gator Gossip, 10 a.m. and 3 and 4 p.m. Saturdays. Features interesting facts about the alligator.
St. Marys Express Steam Special, 10 a.m., noon and 2 and 4 p.m. Saturday-Sunday, Theatre by the Trax, 1000 Osborne St., St. Marys. Features an authentic steam locomotive, viewing rail equipment and 1/8 scale trains. In conjunction with Railroad Days and the St. Marys Rock Shrimp Festival. Event repeats Oct. 11-12. $20 adults, $15 children 3-12. (912) 200-5235 or stmarysrailroad.com.
Coastfest, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., DNR Coastal Regional Headquarters, 1 Conservation Way, Brunswick. Includes environmental, educational research and resource exhibits and displays, along with interactive activities for all ages. Parking $5. (912) 882-5256.
Andersonville Historic Fair, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday-Sunday, Georgia 49, 50 miles south of Macon. Includes a parade at 11 a.m. Saturday, Mock Civil War battles at 3 p.m. Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday, arts and crafts, live entertainment, The Drummer Boy Civil War Museum and children’s activities. $4 adults, $1.50 children; parking free. (229) 924-2558 or andersonvillegeorgia.info.
Meet the Local Authors, 1-5 p.m., St. Simons Island Casino’s Atrium, 550 Beachview Drive. Features more than 20 local authors who will share their books, available for purchase. Free admission. (912) 289-7357.
Picnic in the Park themed “Fly Me to the Moon,” 3:45-9:30 p.m., Forsyth Park, Savannah. Features music by the Savannah Philharmonic Orchestra. Includes family friendly activities and a picnic contest. Free. savannahga.gov/arts.
Tea Dance, presented by the Shoreline Dance Club, 4-6:30 p.m., the Cloister’s Club Room, 100 Cloister Drive, Sea Island. Features swing, Latin and ballroom dances with live music and refreshments. $37.50 members, $45 guests. Reservations required. (912) 638-2249.
Mammograms by the Wellness on Wheels mobile health vehicle. Mammograms required a physician’s order; insurance is accepted and financial assistance is available to patients to qualify. (912) 466-5234 or sghs.org.
¦ Monday-Tuesday — 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Glynn County Health Department, 2747 Fourth St., Brunswick. (912) 279-3351.
¦ Wednesday — 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m., Camden County Health Department, 905 Dilworth St., St. Marys. (912) 882-8515.
¦ Thursday — 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m., Camden County Health Department, 1501 Georgia Ave., Woodbine. (912) 576-3040.
Friends Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Crooked River State Park, 6222 Charlie Smith Senior Highway, St. Marys. Features a meeting by the Friends of Crooked River group with plans for upcoming projects and the Halloween event. Parking $5. (912) 882-5256.
Story Time, 11 a.m., Ida Hilton Public Library, 1105 North Way, Darien. Features “It’s a Mad Hatter Story Time with Craft.” Includes a craft. (912) 437-2124.
Savannah Quilt Guild, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., Cultural Arts Gallery, 9 W. Henry St., Savannah. Includes guided tours and demonstrations in conjunction with the “Cloth, Color and Creativity” exhibit on display through Oct. 17. Demonstration topics: Wednesday — “Art Quilts;” Oct. 15 — “Embellishments.” (912) 651-6783 or savannahga.gov/arts.
Free screenings, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Wednesdays, Dick Mitchell Health Information Center, Outpatient Care Center, 2415 Parkwood Drive, Brunswick. Includes blood pressure and blood sugar screenings. (912) 466-5160 or email bcarr@sghs.org.
Caregiver Coffee: Making Time for Yourself, 10 a.m., St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 900 Gloucester St., Brunswick. Topic is “Don’t Forget You: Coping with Caregiver Stress.” Series continues Jan. 15. (912) 265-4735.
Speaker Series, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Georgia Tech-Savannah, 210 Technology Circle, Savannah. Speaker is Russell Clark, senior research scientist in Georgia Tech’s School of Computer Science, on Mobile Apps. $45 a person, includes lunch. Registration, pe.gatech.edu/sav-oct.
Movie Time, 6 p.m., Ida Hilton Public Library, 1105 North Way, Darien. Features “All About Rosalind Movie Month.” Call for movie title. (912) 437-2124.
“The Godfather,” as part of the Cinema Gourmet series, tasting of food/film pairings, 6:30 p.m.; talk, 6:50 p.m.; film, 7:15 p.m.; The Ritz Theatre, 1530 Newcastle St., Brunswick. $18; talk and film only $5. (912) 262-6934 or goldenislesarts.org.
“No Boundaries,” presented by the Valdosta State University’s Repertory Dancers, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, VSU’s Sawyer Theatre, 1500 N. Patterson St. Features original choreography as restagings from the group’s repertoire. Show continues 7:30 p.m. Oct. 10-11, 3 p.m. Oct. 12. (229) 333-5804.
OCT. 10
Home School Time, 11 a.m., Ida Hilton Public Library, 1105 North Way, Darien. Features “Falling for Gravity.” (912) 437-2124.
Fun at the Park: Crooked River State Park, 6222 Charlie Smith Senior Highway, St. Marys. Parking $5. (912) 882-5256.
¦ Sunset Boat Cruises, 6-8 p.m. Features a park ranger-guided tour on birds, dolphin and marine creatures that inhabit this ecosystem. $30. Registration required. (912) 882-5256.
¦ Composting Basics, 7-8 p.m. Camden County Extension Agricultural with a family-friendly program featuring interactive components, what can and can’t be composted, different composting techniques and strategies, how to avoid stinky compost and make your own edible compost to take as a snack.
Halloween Party for kids to benefit The Love of Pets, 7-10 p.m., 821 Riverview Drive E., St. Marys. Includes movies, games, food and entertainment. $5, children 5 and younger get in free. (912) 882-0840.
Pajama Party, 7 p.m. Oct. 10, 3 p.m. Oct. 11-12, 7 p.m. Oct. 17, 3 p.m. Oct. 18-19, Savannah Children’s Theatre, 2160 E. Victory Drive, Savannah. Features “Good Night Moon, the Musical,” followed by cookies and milk, storytelling, face painting, photo opportunities and a meet the cast. $35 children, $20 adults. (912) 238-9015 or savannahchildrenstheatre.org.
Woodbine Super Saturday, 7 a.m.-1 p.m., downtown Woodbine. Features a community-wide yard sale. Includes a book sale and the 4-H Lucky Clover Walk/Run. To sell, bring your own table. (912) 576-3211 or woodbinegeorgia.net.
Under the Oaks Half Marathon and 10K and 5K run, 7:30 a.m., Great Dunes Park. (912) 248-5275 or email leighanne62@gmail.com.
Free exercise class, 9-10 a.m. Saturdays, Agape Church, 10600 Colerain Road, St. Marys. Exercise using only free weights and a mat. (912) 576-2008 or email getufit2008@yahoo.com.
Zumbathon to benefit the Donna Foundation, 9-10:30 a.m., I-Live Center of the Arts, 1001 Osborne Road, St. Marys. (912) 227-0934.
Native Plant Sale, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Cay Creek Wetlands Interpretive Center, 189 Charlie Butler Road, Midway, off Interstate 95 on Georgia 84. Includes a bird walk, 9:30 a.m.; plant walk, 10:30 a.m.; Site Master Plan, 11 a.m.; and a self-guided boardwalk available all day. Registration, email info@coastalwildscapes.org.
Build a Scarecrow, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Theatre by the Trax, 1000 Osborne St., St. Marys. Call to reserve scarecrow kit, first come first serve; reservations being taken to place scarecrows in a median on Osborne Street. The Scarecrow Stroll is Oct. 14. (912) 882-7350 or email stmarysdma@gmail.com.
Fun in the Okefenokee, Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge’s Visitor Center, about 11 miles southwest of Folkston, off Georgia 121/23. (912) 496-7836 or fws.gov/okefenokee.
¦ The Special Bird of the Okefenokee, hike 9 a.m., program 2 p.m. Saturdays, on the unique requirements of the endangered red-cockaded woodpecker.
¦ Cane Pole Trail Nature Walk, 10 a.m. Saturdays, on the Okefenokee’s plants and animals and the importance of fire, Chesser Island Boardwalk.
¦ Gator Gossip, 10 a.m. and 3 and 4 p.m. Saturdays. Features interesting facts about the alligator.
Lap Band Surgery Patient Information and Seminar, 10 a.m., Georgia Coast Surgical, 3226-F Hampton Ave., Brunswick. (912) 264-9724 or email brooke@georgiacoastsurgical.com.
Wildlife of Our World, 2-3 p.m., Crooked River State Park, 6222 Charlie Smith Senior Highway, St. Marys. Features a meet and greet with the animals who make Coastal Georgia their home. Program $1, parking $5. (912) 882-5256.
Low Country Boil to benefit Southeast Georgia Health System Brunswick Campus Auxiliary, 4-6 p.m. and 6-8 p.m., Two Way Fish Camp, 250 Ricefield Way, Darien. $20 a person. Reservations, (912) 466-1071 or email kdoll@sghs.org.
Fax events to (904) 359-4478 or email events@jacksonville.com. Complete listing at jacksonville.com/calendars. To put your event in the free online calendar, go to events.jacksonville.com.
View the original article here
Billy Graham grandson launches planning for evangelistic festival in Jacksonville, 'one of Granddaddy's favorite cities'
He also loves Jacksonville’s Mayo Clinic, which he has visited multiple times for medical treatment. So when the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association stages the Greater Jacksonville Festival of Hope in 2015, Graham, almost 96 and in failing health, will be there in spirit.
“This is one of Granddaddy’s favorite cities,” said grandson Will Graham, in town Thursday to launch local planning for the May 29-31 event. “We’ve always joked that when the angels finally decide to call him home, he’ll say, no, I want to go to Mayo Clinic one more time.”
Hundreds of members of Northeast Florida’s faith community gathered at the Jacksonville Marriott to hear from Will Graham and association staffers, as well as Mayor Alvin Brown and members of the local event planning committee.
Headlining the festival will be Billy Graham’s son and Will Graham’s father, Franklin, who runs the association as well as Samaritan’s Purse, an outreach organization. Franklin Graham conducts festivals across the world, preaching to millions of people in cities from Johannesburg, South Africa, to Tupelo, Miss., since 1989.
The Jacksonville event will be free and open to the public, sponsored by the association with the support of area churches and other community organizations.
Thousands of people are expected to attend.
Will Graham said the festival at Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena will be an opportunity for the area faith community to come together and expand its ranks.
“We have the greatest joy of telling others about Christ. We get to be part of it,” he said.
Brown said Jacksonville’s strong faith contingent “can reach the community in ways no other institution can do.”
“We are living in a challenged world. If ever we needed the Lord, it’s now,” he said. “We really need to have a revival.”
Ginger Soud, leader of the festival’s local executive team, said the event would use multiple platforms to reach all ages, including social media and streaming the services, concerts and other related activities online.
“There are many people today needing hope,” she said. “We will be reaching the world with the Gospel from Jacksonville, Florida.”
The association issues video messages from Billy Graham on his birthday, which is Nov. 7. The topic for his 96th birthday message will be heaven, Will Graham said.
“He’s got good days and he’s got bad days,” he said. “He’s really looking forward to heaven ... It looks very sweet to him.”
Beth Reese Cravey: (904) 359-4109
To donate, volunteer or get more information, contact the Greater Jacksonville Festival of Hope, 9424 Baymeadows Road, Suite 110, Jacksonville, FL 32256; (904) 619-2220; jacksonvillefestival@bgea.org; or go to jacksonvillefestival.org.
View the original article here
Thursday, October 2, 2014
First Coast Happenings
Charity Golf Classic, presented by Healing Every Autistic Life, golf clinic, 8 a.m.; shotgun start, 8:30 a.m.; TPC Sawgrass, Ponte Vedra Beach. Funds raised will place iPads in special needs classrooms in Northeast Florida. (904) 716-4198 or healautismnow.org.
First Coast Classic Ballroom and Latin Dance Championship, day sessions, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.; dinner 6 p.m., show, 7:30 p.m. Friday-Saturday; World Golf Village, Renaissance Hotel, Interstate 95, Exit 323, near St. Augustine. $25, day sessions; $40 and $55 evening shows; dinner and show, $110 Friday; dinner and show, $120 Saturday; $150 Saturday show and VIP After Party; $215 Saturday dinner, show and VIP After Party. (904) 904-338-9219 or firstcoastclassic.com.
Jacksonville Home and Patio Show, 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday-Sunday, Prime Osborn Convention Center, 1000 Water St. $10 adults, $5 children 6-12 and seniors 60 and older. jacksonvillefallhomeshow.com.
“A Conversation with Emery Conrad,” in celebration of LGBT History Month, noon, University of North Florida. Speaker is Emery Grant, of the Stonewall Museum and Archives in Fort Lauderdale, on “Behind Seneca, Selma and Stonewall,” stories of the travelling LGBT History and Civil Rights exhibit, along with a display of special artifacts from the Stonewall Archives only available for viewing during the presentation. Includes a free lunch. Exhibit on display through Oct. 31. (904) 620-2192 or unf.edu.
Tactile Art Show and Thread to the Past: 1855, 5-9 p.m., St. Augustine Art Association. Includes the St. Augustine Bayfront Quilt during the First Friday Art Walk grand opening reception. Features “touchable” art created in partnership with the Florida School for the Deaf and Blind. The Piecemaker’s Quilt Guild rolls out a panoramic interpretation of St. Augustine’s 19th century harbor. This collaborative quilt celebrates St. Augustine’s 450-year old artisan traditions. Show runs through Nov. 2. (904) 824-2310 or staaa.org.
Oktoberfest, VIP Preview Party to benefit the Memorial Park Association, 6-9 p.m. Friday, $125; Festival, noon-8 p.m. Saturday; Memorial Park, 1620 Riverside Ave. Includes music, beers, beer competitions, food trucks and a souvenir Oktoberfest stein. $35 in advance, $40 at the gate. memparkjax.org.
“Man of LaMancha,” meal 6:30 p.m., show 8 p.m. Tuesdays-Fridays; meal 11:15 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., show 1:15 and 8 p.m. Saturdays; meal 12:15 and 6:30 p.m., show 2 and 8 p.m. Sundays; Alhambra Theatre & Dining, 12000 Beach Blvd. Show runs through Oct. 12. Tickets start at $38. Reservations, (904) 641-1212 or alhambrajax.com.
Cosmic Concerts, Fright Light, 7 p.m.; Laser Pop, 8 p.m.; Queen, 9 p.m.; Pink Floyd: The Wall, 10 p.m., Bryan-Gooding Planetarium, Museum of Science & History, 1025 Museum Circle. $5 per person per show, laser glasses $1. (904) 396-6674 or moshplanetarium.org.
“The Secret Affairs of Mildred Wild,” 7 p.m. Friday-Saturday, Douglas Anderson School of the Arts’ Black Box Theatre, 2445 San Diego Road. $10 in advance and student, $12 at the door. (904) 346-5620 or da-arts.org.
Concert, 7:30 p.m., Friday Musicale, 645 Oak St. Features violinist Sean Lee and pianist Peter Dugan. Reservations, (904) 355-7584 or fridaymusicale.com.
“The 39 Steps: A Live Radio Play,” 7:30 p.m. Friday-Saturday, Jacksonville University’s Terry Concert Hall, 2800 University Blvd. N. Features a 35-piece live orchestra and “Foley” sound-effects artists to help tell the story. $10 adults, $5 seniors 62 and older, military and students with ID; JU staff, faculty and students get in free with ID. (904) 256-7370 or ju.edu.
“Avenue Q,” 7:30 p.m. Friday-Saturday, 2 p.m. Sunday, City Repertory Theatre, 160 Cypress Point Parkway, Suite B207, Palm Coast. $15, $25. (386) 585-9415 or crtpalmcoast.com.
“The Addams Family,” 7:30 p.m. Friday-Saturday, 2 p.m. Sunday, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Limelight Theatre, 11 Old Mission Ave., St. Augustine. Show continues 7:30 p.m. Oct. 10-11, 2 p.m. Oct. 12, 7:30 p.m. Oct. 16-18, 2 p.m. Oct. 19. $25 adults, $22 seniors, $20 students and military. (904) 825-1164 or limelight-theatre.org.
Friday Night Live, 8 p.m.-1 a.m., The Jacksonville Landing. The music competition concludes with the winners from the first four weeks competing for a grand prize of $1,000 cash. Free. (904) 353-1188 or jacksonvillelanding.com.
“Figuro,” a play freely adapted from “Le Mariage de Figaro” by Beaumarchais, 8 p.m. Friday-Saturday, Theatre Jacksonville, Harold K. Smith Playhouse, 2032 San Marco Blvd. $25. (904) 396-4425 or theatrejax.com.
“Jesus Christ Superstar,” 8 p.m. Friday-Saturday, 2 p.m. Sunday, 8 p.m. Thursday, Players by the Sea, 106 Sixth St. N., Jacksonville Beach. Show continues 8 p.m. Oct. 10-11. $28. (904) 249-0289 or playersbythesea.org.
Life Without Lupus Walk to benefit the Lupus Foundation of Florida, registration 7 a.m., walk 8-10 a.m., Red Cross Building grassy area, 751 Riverside Ave. Walk followed by an awards ceremony. lupusflorida.org.
Jacksonville Marine Corps 1/2 Marathon and Freedom 5K, 7 a.m.-midnight, Metropolitan Park, through Riverside and back to Metro Park. Event is a celebration of running, physical fitness, prizes and awards and a tribute to our military with an expo, receptions and parties. jaxmarinecorpshalfmarathon.com.
“Stand Up to Addiction” Rally, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., SeaWalk Pavilion, Jacksonville Beach. Includes a 5K run, live music, speakers and free activities for the family. (404) 989-4186 or soberlivingamerica.org.
Community Yard Sale to benefit Waste Not Want Not, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., Orange Park Town Hall Park, Kingsley Avenue and U.S. 17. $25, 15x15 booth; electric $5 more. (904) 505-5894 or wastenotflorida.com.
Profit Golf Classic to benefit Take Stock in Children and children’s charities, shotgun start 9 a.m., King & Bear Golf Course, World Golf Village, Interstate 95, Exit 323, near St. Augustine. Registration, profitgolfclassic.com.
Self Defense Workshop to benefit the Fernandina Beach Library, 9 a.m.-noon, Fernandina Beach Recreation Center, 2500 Atlantic Ave. Features martial arts expert Dan Kelly. $20. (904) 277-7365.
Mayor’s “Es Mi Vida” Hispanic Expo, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Schultz Center for Training and Leadership, 4019 Boulevard Center Drive. Includes a naturalization ceremony for new citizens at 11 a.m. (904) 630-1776 or coj.net.
Fall Craft Festival to benefit the church missions, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Mandarin Methodist Church, 11270 San Jose Blvd. Includes hand-made crafts, a Country Store, bakery, lunch and Children’s Shop. (904) 268-5549 or mandarinumc.com.
Jacksonville Farmers Market, dawn to dusk daily year round, 1810 W. Beaver St. Features local, organic, ethnic and specialty produce, along with other foods and agricultural products. Includes the St. Vincent’s Heathcare Fall Festival, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday, with live music, a Kids Zone, arts and crafts, classic and new cars exhibits, plants and organic gardening, health booths and food trucks. Admission, entertainment and kids zone activities are free. (904) 354-2821 or jaxfarmersmarket.com.
Blessing of the Animals, Saturday as part of the Catholic Diocese of St. Augustine, on the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of animals and the environment. All creatures big and small welcomed, pets must be on a leash and/or caged.
¦ Blessed Trinity Parish, 10472 Beach Blvd. — 9 a.m. in the parish parking lot.
¦ Sacred Heart Parish, 5752 Blanding Blvd. — 9 a.m. in front of the church.
¦ St. Paul Parish, 2609 Park Street — 10 a.m. near the fountain.
¦ Holy Spirit Parish, 11665 Fort Caroline Road — 10 a.m. at the church entrance.
¦ Most Holy Redeemer Parish, 8523 Normandy Blvd. — 11 a.m. under the big oak tree on church grounds.
¦ Holy Family Parish, 9800 Baymeadows Road — 3:30 p.m. on the church grounds.
¦ Sunday, Oct. 12, Mary Queen of Heaven Parish, 9401 Staples Mill Drive — 12:30 p.m. on church grounds.
“Copyright or Wrong” Workshop, 10 a.m.-noon, The Cultural Center at Ponte Vedra Beach, 50 Executive Way. $20, members get in free. Reservations, (904) 280-0614, ext. 204.
Corn Maze, 5-9 p.m. Fridays, 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Saturdays, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Sundays, Saturday through Oct. 26, Sykes and Cooper Farms, 5995 Brough Road, Elkton. Features a nine-acre maze, a children’s maze, hayrides, a playground and farm animals. $9 adults, $7 seniors and active military; children 2 and younger get in free. sycofarms.com.
Family Pet Fair and Blessing of the Pets to benefit St. Francis Animal Hospital and St. Philip Neri Animal Ministry, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Blessing 1:30 p.m., Fletcher Park, 1652 Atlantic Blvd. Includes pet and people vendors, food, a Laundromutt charity dog wash, free nail trims, dogs available for adoption and face painting. Pet microchipping $15. (904) 674-7223.
Jaxport Bowling benefit, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Bowl America Southside Bowling Center, 11141 Beach Blvd. $25 each or $125 per team of five. jaxport.com/giving.
Riverside Arts Market, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Riverside Arts Market, 715 Riverside Ave. Includes arts and crafts, fresh vegetables and produce and food vendors. (904) 389-2449 or riversideartsmarket.com.
¦ River Stage: You Rascal You!, 10:30-11:30 a.m.; Blue Muse, noon-2:15 p.m.; and the University of North Florida Jazz Ensemble 2, 2:45-3:30 p.m.
¦ Hilltop Stage: Annith Harris, 10:30 a.m.-noon; John Morgan, 1:30-3 p.m.
¦ Roundhouse Stage: Andrew Ratcliff, 10:30 a.m.-3 p.m.
¦ Crossroads Stage: Gyminators, 10:30 a.m.-3 p.m.
Fall Stamp Collectors Show, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Northeast Florida Safety Council Building, 1725 Art Museum Drive. Free admission. facebook.com.
Beaches Art Fest, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Beaches Museum and History Park, 380 Pablo Ave., Jacksonville Beach. (904) 241-5657 or beachesartfest.com.
Golf Festival, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday, throughout World Golf Village, Interstate 95, Exit 323, near St. Augustine. Includes interactive activities, Hall of Fame members, demonstrations, golf movies, contests, tours, food trucks, a Women’s Clinic from 3-6 p.m. and bounce houses. Live music by Ryan Campbell and the Charlie Walker Band, noon-4 p.m. Free. worldgolfhalloffame.org.
Living History Day, 10:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Fort Matanzas, 8635 Florida A1A, 15 miles south of St. Augustine. Includes reenactors and demonstrations. Free, includes ferry ride to Rattlesnake Island. (904) 471-0116 or mps.gov/foma.
Open House, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., program noon, University Park branch library, 3435 University Blvd. N. Program with City Council president Clay Yarborough and Councilman John Crescimbeni with a resolution commemorating the anniversary and the library’s 10 years of service. Includes door prizes and arts and crafts for children. (904) 630-2665.
Art Fest, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday-Sunday, Waldo Farmers and Flea Market, 17805 U.S. 301, Waldo. Includes arts and crafts, exhibits, demonstrations, face painting and live music. (352) 468-2255 or waldoflea.com.
Datil Pepper Festival and Cook Off, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday-Sunday, St. Augustine Agricultural Center, 3125 Agricultural Center Drive, St. Augustine. Includes datil pepper tastings, local chefs in a Datil Pepper Cook-Off with tastings for patrons and a Home and Garden Show. (904) 209-0430 or augustine.com/event/datil-pepper-festival-cook.
Dia de Justicia — Day of Justice, 1-5 p.m., Florida Coastal School of Law, 8787 Baypine Road, Room 250. Program to commemorate National Hispanic Heritage Month is in Spanish and English.
Jacksonville Original Music and Art Festival, 1 p.m.-1 a.m., The Jacksonville Landing. Features a celebration of musical creativity and art presented by Songwriters Showcases of America and includes more than 125 acts on 14 stages in downtown Jacksonville, with eight stages at The Landing. Free. (904) 353-1188 or jacksonvillelanding.com.
Fashion Show, 3 p.m., Orange Park Mall, at the entrance of Dillards, 1910 Wells Road. Features area success stories. (904)269-2222.
River City Pride parade and festival, parade, 4 p.m. Saturday, Boone Park to 5 Points Business District; festival, 11 a.m.-8 p.m. Sunday, River City Arts Market, 715 Riverside Ave. Free; commemorative bracelet, $3. rivercitypride.com.
Fiesta de Aviles, 4-10 p.m., Aviles Street, St. Augustine. Features a celebration of St. Augustine’s Old Town heritage with live music, costumes, art exhibits and a special running of the “bulls” along Aviles Street. Free. (904) 377-0198.
FinFest at Sawgrass to benefit Jacksonville Speech & Hearing Center, 6:30-7:30 p.m., The Sawgrass Marriott Golf Resort and Spa, 1000 PGA Tour Blvd., Ponte Vedra Beach. Includes tropical-style cuisine, live and silent auctions and a performance by KTG Musical Entertainment. $130, ages 41 and older; $70.15, ages 40 and younger. (904) 355-3403 or eventbrite.com.
The Jacksonville Masterworks Chorale, 7 p.m., St. Catherine’s Episcopal Church, 4758 Shelby Ave. Features a program of Early American Music and an appearance by the Jacksonville Children’s Chorus. Free admission. (904) 269-9819 or jaxmasterworks.org.
Jazz Jamm with Euge Groove, 7 and 10 p.m. Ritz Theatre & LaVilla Museum, 829 N. Davis St. Features the jazz/R&B/pop perfection of saxophonist Steven Eugene Grove. (904) 632-5555 or ritzjacksonville.com.
Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra Thrasher-Horne Season Opener, 8 p.m., Thrasher-Horne Center for the Arts, St. Johns River Community College, 283 College Drive, Orange Park. Includes musical favorites and light classics. $16-$48. (904) 276-6750 or thcenter.org.
“Practice World Peace,” yoga for all ages and abilities, led by Brenda Star Walker, 11 a.m.-noon, Memorial Park, Riverside. Bring a blanket. Free. (904) 699-5172.
Jacksonville Jaguars vs. Pittsburgh Steelers, 1 p.m., EverBank Field. Single game tickets: $45-$110 in advance, $50-$115 on game day; club seats, $160-$280 in advance, $160-$285 on game day. (904) 633-2000 or jaguars.com.
EMMA Concert Series, 2 p.m., Flagler College’s Lewis Auditorium, 14 Granada St., St. Augustine. Features The Italian Saxophone Quartet with Piano. $30 adults, $5 students and children. (904) 797-2800 or emmaconcerts.com.
Rubber Ducky Regatta to benefit Learn to Read St. Johns, 2 p.m., Nocatee’s Splash Water Park, 245 Nocatee Center Way, Ponte Vedra Beach. $5 to enter the race. Registration, (904) 826-0011 or ltrstjohns.org.
“Cover the Town With Sound,” 3 p.m., Glenmoor at World Golf Village, Interstate 95, Exit 323, near St. Augustine. Features a free concert series with groups of Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra musicians performing throughout the area. Does not include the full orchestra. (904) 354-5547 or jaxsymphony.org.
Reggae Jammin’ on the River, 4-9 p.m., The Jacksonville Landing. Includes live music by King Eddie and the Pili Pili Band. Free. (904) 353-1188 or jacksonvillelanding.com.
“Dearly Departed” to benefit the Broken Ninja Project, 4:30 p.m., Fernandina Little Theatre, 1014 Beech St., Fernandina Beach. $25. (904) 277-2202 or ameliaflt.org.
Widespread Panic, 6 p.m., St. Augustine Amphitheatre, 1340 Florida A1A S. $39.50-$47.50. (904) 471-1965 or staugamphitheatre.com.
“Pars Fore Paws” Golf Tournament to benefit Clay Humane, registration 11 a.m., lunch noon, shotgun start 12:30 p.m., Magnolia Point Golf and Country Club. Includes dinner, a raffle and prizes following the event. $100. (904) 610-7603 or clayhumane.org.
Blood Drive, 3:30-6:30 p.m., Lowe’s Home Improvement, 5155 Lenox Ave. Registration, thebloodalliancedonor.org.
Purple Out during the softball league co-ed games, in observance of Domestic Violence Month, 7 p.m. Monday; and during the men’s games, 7 p.m. Tuesday; Treaty Park, 1595 Wildwood Drive, St. Augustine. Wear purple; get creative with clothes and hair. (904) 824-1555 or bettygriffinhouse.org.
Coping with Food Allergies, 3:30 p.m., Mandarin Senior Center’s Lifetree Cafe, 3848 Hartley Road. Features “Allergic to Food: Living in an Incredible, Inedible World,” a filmed interview with nutritionist Nicole Eckman featuring a glimpse into the life of a woman coping with Celiac disease. Free. (904) 731-0731 or email gtreiber.hopejax@gmail.com.
Emergence Concert, as part of the Music at Main series, 7 p.m., Main Library, 303 N. Main St. Features Jacksonville University voice students. Series showcases the talents of student performers. (904) 630-2665 or jaxpubliclibrary.org.
Eat Local Give Local to benefit the Fresh Access Bucks program, 7:30 p.m., Jaxon Social, 1611 Beach Blvd., Jacksonville Beach. Includes two drink tickets, a three-course dinner (vegan available), an auction and live entertainment. $75 a person. beacheslocalfoodnetwork.org.
Little Learners, 9-11 a.m., Museum of Science and History, 1025 Museum Circle. Features “Earth, Moon and Sun” at 10 a.m. and “Spooky Shapes and Colors” at 11 a.m. $5 a person for children 3 and older. Registration requested. (904) 396-6674 or themosh.com.
Leadership Speakers Bureau Series, 10 a.m., University of North Florida’s Student Union, Building 58W, Room 2704. Speaker is the Rev. J. Perry Smith, author of “The Unlikely Priest,” with “From Matador to Priest: Maintaining an Authentic Leadership Style,” his life of service as a matador, Trappist monk, U.S. Army counter-intelligence agent, CIA operative, FBI agent and an Episcopal priest. Free. Registration, email alison.kent@unf.edu.
Basketball: New Orleans vs. Washington, 7 p.m., Veterans Memorial Arena. $14-$299. (904) 630-3900 or jaxevents.com.
Classic Rock Trivia Cruises, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Thursdays during October, Amelia River Cruises, Fernandina Harbor Marina, 1 N. Front St., Fernandina Beach. Features a classic rock sound track, trivia and prizes. $28. ameliarivercruises.com.
Adamec Bike Night, 6-10 p.m., The Jacksonville Landing. Includes free bike parking, vendors, prizes and live music by Spanky the Band. (904) 353-1188 or jacksonvillelanding.com.
The Beatles: White Album, as part of Classic Albums Live, 7:30 p.m., Thrasher-Horne Center for the Arts, St. Johns River Community College, 283 College Drive, Orange Park. (904) 276-6750 or thcenter.org.
OCT. 10
Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra with the Sounds of Simon & Garfunkel, 11 a.m. Friday, 8 p.m. Friday-Saturday, Times-Union Center for the Performing, 300 W. Water St. Guest artists are A.J. Swearingen and Jonathan Beedle. Coffee concert, Friday 11 a.m., $16-$26; pops concerts, both evenings, $25-$72. (904) 354-5547 or jaxsymphony.org.
Lost Ships Archaeology Tour, 3 p.m., St. Augustine Lighthouse and Museum, 81 Lighthouse Ave. $24. 81 Lighthouse Ave., St. Augustine. (904) 829-0745 or staugustinelighthouse.org
St. Augustine Greek Festival, 4-9 p.m. Friday, 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Saturday, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday, Francis Field, 29 W. Castillo Drive, St. Augustine. Festival celebrates the Greek heritage that began when the first Greek settlers arrived in Florida in 1768. Includes Greek food, live music, arts and crafts, traditionally-costumed folk dancers and a kid’s center with games and rides. $3; free for children 12 and younger and active military and immediate family with ID. (904) 829-0504.
An Evening of Hugo Wolf, 7:30 p.m., Jacksonville University’s Terry Concert Hall, 2800 University Blvd. N. Features mezzo-soprano Brittnee Siemon in in an evening of the art song of Hugo Wolf. Includes JU faculty members baritone Jay Ivey and soprano Kimberly Beasley, with JU alum pianist Alfred Meneses. $10 adults; $5 seniors 62 and older, military, students and children younger than 17; JU faculty, staff and students get in free. (904) 256-7677 or ju.edu
Naomi Shelton and The Gospel Queens, 8 p.m., Ritz Theatre & LaVilla Museum, 829 N. Davis St. $34, $39. (904) 632-5555 or ritzjacksonville.com.
Live music by Bread and Butter, 8 p.m.-1 a.m., The Jacksonville Landing. Free. (904) 353-1188 or jacksonvillelanding.com.
OCT. 11
“Out of Darkness” Community Walk to benefit the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, 7:30 a.m.-noon, The Jacksonville Landing. (904) 353-1188 or jacksonvillelanding.com.
Cars and Coffee Cruise-in, 9-11 a.m., The Florida Times-Union, 1 Riverside Ave. All makes and models welcome. Group meets the second Saturday of each month. automotiveaddicts.com.
Riverside Arts Market, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Riverside Arts Market, 715 Riverside Ave. Includes arts and crafts, fresh vegetables and produce and food vendors. Features a North Florida Yoga Fest. (904) 389-2449 or riversideartsmarket.com.
Poker Run to benefit Wreaths Across America, registration 8:30 a.m., last bike out 10 a.m., last bike in 5 p.m.; After Party, 5:30 p.m.; American Legion, Post 129, 1151 Fourth St. S., Jacksonville Beach. $20 driver, $15 passenger. Includes door prizes, live entertainment, a raffle, dinner, games and vendors. post129.org.
Artrageous Artwalk, 5:30-8:30 p.m., downtown Fernandina Beach and Amelia Island. Free. (800) 226-3542 or ameliaisland.com.
Wine to Shine to benefit the Lori Ann Breast Cancer Foundation, 6-10 p.m., Deerwood Country Club, 10239 Golf Club Drive. Includes cocktails, dining stations, an auction, live music and dancing. Cocktail attire requested. $100 a person. (904) 424-2603 or winetoshine.eventbrite.com.
Widespread Panic, 7 p.m., St. Augustine Amphitheatre, 1340 Florida A1A S. $49.50-$79.50. (904) 471-1965 or staugamphitheatre.com.
Live music by the IveyWest Band, 8 p.m.-1 a.m., The Jacksonville Landing. Free. (904) 353-1188 or jacksonvillelanding.com.
Fax to (904) 359-4478 or email events@jacksonville.com. Complete listing at jacksonville.com/calendars. To put your event in the free online calendar, go to events.jacksonville.com.
View the original article here
Around the Region: World Golf Village Festival, Beaches Art Fest and St. Augustine Community Chorus
Baptist Medical Center Beaches recognized
Baptist Medical Center Beaches, 1350 13th Ave. South, Jacksonville Beach, has received the “Get with the Guidelines – Stroke” Silver-Plus Quality Achievement Award recognizing its treatment of stroke patients. It’s from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association.
Beaches Art Fest
The Beaches Art Fest will be 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 4 at the Beaches Museum and History Park, 381 Beach Blvd., Jacksonville Beach. Two artists scheduled to have their work on display will be Ronnie Burak and Tony Wood. For more, beachesartfest.com.
Lemon Bar Luau for charity
The ninth annual Lemon Bar Luau benefitting the nonprofit Beaches Resource Center will be 4-7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 4 at the Lemon Bar, 120 Atlantic Blvd., Neptune Beach. For more, (904) 270-8200.
Pumpkins and Paws benefit for Safe Animal Shelter
Tickets are on sale for the “Pumpkins and Paws” dinner and auction benefitting nonprofit Safe Animal Shelter, 2913 Clay County Road 220, Middleburg, will be 5-9 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 25, at the Thrasher-Horne Conference Center, 283 College Drive, Orange Park. Tickets cost $50. For more, (904) 276-7233.
Penney Farms 5K run
The inaugural 5K Run and 1 Mile Fun Run through historic Penney Farms will begin at 8 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 11, at Kohler Park. Race day registration begins at 6:30 a.m. at Town Hall, 4100 Clark Ave., Penney Farms. The festivities will include an after-race party. To register online, 1stplacesports.com. For more, cathiepenneyfarms@bellsouth.net.
Yulee chamber council meets Oct. 14
The Amelia Island-Fernandina Beach-Yulee Chamber of Commerce’s Yulee Area Council meets at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 14, at Missy’s Kitchen, 850859 U.S. 17, for a breakfast meeting to allow local business owners and professionals to meet and generate referrals. The breakfast is $7.49; the meeting free for chamber members and $25 for non-members. Registration and secure online payment required at http://web.aifby.com/events.
World Golf Village Golf Festival
The inaugural World Golf Village Golf Festival will be 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday at World Golf Village, 1 World Golf Place, St. Augustine. For more, worldgolfhalloffame.org.
St. Francis House needs donations, volunteers
St. Francis House is seeking food donations and financial contributions to aid its mission of feeding those in need in St. Augustine. Volunteers also are needed to help in its shelter and soup kitchen at 70 Washington St. For more, stfrancisshelter.org or (904) 829-8937.
St. Augustine Community Chorus rehearsals
Rehearsals begin for the St. Augustine Community Chorus at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday at Memorial Presbyterian Fellowship Hall, 32 Sevilla St., St. Augustine. For more, staugustinecommunitychorus@gmail.com.
Brunswick police nab 15-year-old seen running from pawn shop toting assault rifle and with 10 pistols in a backpack
Two city patrol officers, Bobby Black and Franklin West, responding just after midnight Thursday to an alarm at T&C Pawn World on Community Road arrived in their patrol cars to see two males running away, detective Jose Galdamez said.
The two officers arrived less than a minute after the alarm went off, and West chased one suspect who was running along a ditch line wearing a backpack, Galdamez said.
“He’s running with an AR-15 in his hands. In his backpack, he’s got 10 handguns,’’ Galdamez said.
Instead of drawing his weapon at what appeared to be an obvious threat, West used his Taser on the suspect twice and subdued him, Galdamez said.
Among the handguns in the backpack were a .40-caliber pistol, three .38 specials, a .44 caliber magnum Smith and Wesson and a Glock .45-caliber pistol, he said.
That was a lot of firepower, interim chief Jimmy Carter said.
“He’s very lucky the officers didn’t shoot. None of the guns were loaded, but the officers didn’t know that until after the fact,’’ Carter said.
Inside the shop officers found a pry bar that had been used to get through a back roll-up door and bolt cutters that had been used to cut through the heavy metal mesh cage where all the guns had been secured, Galdamez said.
They also found another assault rifle and a shotgun that had been removed from the cage but left inside the shop, and two handguns lay on the back porch of the business, he said.
The 15-year-old who was arrested is a member of a known gang and appeared before a Glynn County Juvenile Court judge Thursday afternoon.
Police are looking for the other suspect who is also believed to be a juvenile, he said.
Terry Dickson: (912) 264-0405
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Folkston woman subject of 2-day search found in apparent good health, GBI says
The Georgia Bureau of Investigation is continuing to look into the whereabouts of Folkston woman over a two-day period when she was the object of a massive search.
Tasheka Maria Campbell, who had last been seen about 10:45 a.m. Monday, walked up to a man’s house off Homeland Park Road north of Folkston about 8:40 p.m. Wednesday, said Mike McDaniel, special agent in charge of the GBI’s Kingsland office. Campbell reappeared two days after her car was found abandoned beside the road with a wheel bent from having struck a culvert, he said.
All agents have been told so far is that Campbell had been in the wooded area close to where her car was found, McDaniel said.
“For having been out in the elements 48 hours, she appeared to be in good condition,’’ he said. “All I can tell you is we’re continuing to investigate.”
The GBI began looking for Campbell Tuesday at the request of the Charlton County Sheriff’s Office and put out a public notice for information on her whereabouts.
Meanwhile, the Camden County Sheriff’s Office tried to find her with tracking dogs, a Georgia State Patrol helicopter crew searched overhead for two days and there were patrols on foot and on all terrain vehicles that covered about 30 acres around where the car was found, McDaniel said.
“We conducted a grid search,’’ McDaniel said.
The Charlton County Sheriff’s Office, Brantley County Emergency Management Agency, Georgia State Patrol, Folkston police, Georgia Department of Natural Resources rangers, U.S. Marshals Service, Georgia Department of Corrections, Georgia probation officers and others looked and found no clue that led to Campbell, McDaniel said.
McDaniel said he was very grateful that Campbell was found alive in apparent good health.
Terry Dickson: (912) 264-0405
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Amid Intimate Galleries, a Jewel of a Painting Collection
The next several days promise to be unusually euphoric for the nation’s capital, even by the standards of past presidential inaugurations. If you’re in town for this historic event and have some extra time, you can always duck into the National Gallery of Art without clouding your elation. Thanks to the museum’s magnificent painting collection, the euphoria possible inside its walls can easily match the mood outside. It may also strike you as similarly alive with a sense of human possibility.
The National Gallery, founded in 1937 as a gift to the nation from the financier Andrew W. Mellon, opened its doors in 1941. It is the jewel in the crown of Washington’s many great museums. It is open, with free admission, 363 days a year, although this year that number will drop to 362. Like many institutions along the Mall, it will be closed on Inauguration Day.
Although the gallery has impressive holdings in prints, drawings, photography, the decorative arts and especially sculpture, it is not an encyclopedic museum like the Metropolitan Museum of Art and others across the nation. Its art is almost entirely European and American, and its long suit by far is painting.
The bulk of the National Gallery’s paintings are arrayed on its vast main floor, where warrens of wonderfully intimate galleries feed into two long halls that meet at a domed rotunda. It is as if the arcades of the Palais Royale in Paris were attached to either side of the Pantheon in Rome.
The galleries are numbered, and the first 25 or so offer an amazing review of the font of Western painting in 13th- to 16th-century Italy, especially if you attend primarily to the abundant renderings of the Madonna and Child. The starting point is “Madonna and Child Enthroned” by Margaritone d’Arezzo in Gallery 1. Dated around 1270, it encapsulates the gold ground, frozen poses and flattened space of Byzantine art.
One possible end point is “The Alba Madonna,” Raphael’s glorious tondo from around 1510 in Gallery 20. Here the Madonna leans toward the Christ Child like a mother (albeit a very dignified mother) on a picnic; the graceful, fully rounded figures occupy an immense dome of crystalline, blue-skied space that stretches out behind them.
In between these two paintings virtually every Italian painter of the time seems to weigh in on the subject, as well as on how to render the figure expressively in space. The progression of works gives unusual force to both the idealism and realism of the High Renaissance. Of course the Renaissance portraits in these rooms are not small change, starting with Leonardo’s ineffable “Ginevra de’ Benci” (Gallery 6).
Across the hall the Northern Renaissance and its repercussions unfold almost as compellingly, with scores of must-see galleries, including two (48 and 51) devoted to Rembrandt and his school. One of the choicest places to pause is Gallery 39, where you’ll find three pinnacles of the astounding realism favored in Germany and the Netherlands.
First is Jan van Eyck’s meticulous “Annunciation,” from around 1434-6, in which the Angel Gabriel finds Mary in a Gothic church standing on a carpet whose delicate lines depict scenes from the Old Testament. Second is Petrus Christus’s grand “Nativity,” from around 1450. The elaborate manger includes an arch decorated with statues of Adam and Eve and a peaked roof with green leaves sprouting from a horizontal beam directly above the Christ Child. Yet this sign of growth and hope is framed by a triangle of spindly wood that subtly evokes torturously stretched arms, as on the Cross. Third is Rogier van der Weyden’s luxuriously austere “Portrait of a Lady” of around 1460, her delicate face framed by white veils in a shape reminiscent of a sphinx.
A quick stop in Gallery 50C, not much bigger than a large closet, will bring you face to face with Vermeer’s dewy “Girl With the Red Hat” (1665-66), turning around to peer out of the picture so quickly that you can almost hear the rustling of her blue silk garment. The space behind her is muffled by a yellow and green tapestry in soft focus.
On the other side of the rotunda, French Impressionism and a few galleries of American art await. (More are in the process of being reinstalled after a temporary exhibition, along with galleries of British art.) Among the Impressionists, keep an eye out for Cézanne’s rough-surfaced, all-thumbs portrait of his domineering father in Gallery 83. He is clothed like a laborer, despite being a banker (as he thought Cézanne should have been) and is shown seated beneath one of his son’s still lifes, reading a newspaper that favorably reviewed his son’s work.
Another standout in this section is Gauguin’s “Still Life With Peonies” (Gallery 84), a relatively unfamiliar work painted in a quasi-Impressionistic manner but with the deep reds, greens and yellows typical of Gauguin’s mature style. An early work, it shows Gauguin’s bowing to his elders, probably by depicting art that he owned: part of a drawing by Degas is visible, tacked to the wall, along with a village scene that might be by Pissarro.
More Articles in Arts » A version of this article appeared in print on January 16, 2009, on page C32 of the New York edition.SHOPPING WITH : DAVID SERRANO | Antidote to a Grungy Beige Dorm Room
SARAH LUPTON, a 21-year-old English major at Duke University, had a simple approach to dorm living: move out. But when her off-campus living arrangement fell through this summer, she found herself locked into yet another “grungy and beige” campus residence for her senior year.
Her solution was intense color. She painted her bedroom walls green and covered the ceiling with fabric she got on sale at Hancock Fabrics in Durham, N.C., for about $5 a yard. (The fabric was tacked or nailed on.)
The bedspread, curtain, Tibetan prayer flags and altar artifacts came from India, where she traveled last summer. She estimates their cost at about $50. The ceiling fixture is a $7 paper lantern from World Market, where Ms. Lupton also found a string of small boxed lights for $15.
The rich colors in Ms. Lupton’s room were so appealing that she and her roommate, Carolyn McDaniel, a 20-year-old theater studies major, decided to extend them throughout their two-bedroom suite.
They painted the living room bright red, and their kitchen and Ms. McDaniel’s room bright yellow. Then, Ms. Lupton says, they “kind of Jackson Pollocked” her roommate’s bedroom, splattering the leftover red paint on the yellow walls.
The result has been a great success.
“Now, we have people over for dinner all the time,” Ms. Lupton says. “It’s a really nice space, everyone likes it. You spend so much time in your place, you want to make it really nice.”
At the end of the school year, she says, she and Ms. McDaniel will be required to return the apartment to its original beige, but to them it’s worth it.
For Serene Transport, Hudson River School Paintings

There aren’t too many exhibitions that seem perfectly at home at the Nassau County Museum of Art, housed in a Georgian mansion that once belonged to the family of Henry Clay Frick, a founder of United States Steel.
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But the current exhibition of 30 late 19th-century Hudson River School paintings, “Poetic Journey: Hudson River School Paintings From the Grey Collection,” is one of them. The paintings are from the same era as the house, and they are domestic in scale, made to be hung in rooms like those at the museum.
The paintings belong to the Brookville-based collectors David and Laura Grey. They are a lovely group of pictures, acquired over many, many years with the kind of dedication, discernment and patience rarely found among private collectors. It was also shrewd buying, for these days it would be impossible to assemble a collection of similar quality and strength. On hand are works by most of the Hudson River School masters, including Thomas Moran, Albert Bierstadt, George Inness and Thomas Cole.
I have previously reviewed portions of this collection at museums in Connecticut and Westchester, but it looks particularly good here. It sparkles, as much for the rare beauty as for the concentration of works from the pivotal decades of the 1850s and 1860s, when the second — and arguably the more talented and famous — generation of Hudson River School painters emerged after the death of Thomas Cole, the school’s founder.
The works are loosely arranged into several themes, around which the paintings in the collection tend to be clustered. Those in the first grouping are earlier than the rest and generally more classically inspired. Here you will find Cole’s “Tower by Moonlight” (1838), inspired by a richly descriptive narrative poem, “Love,” by the English Romantic poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Formally, however, it reminds you of the work of the 17th-century French neo-Classical painter Claude Lorrain.
Foliage and wilderness tend to dominate the second group, which contains several wonderful paintings. If I had to pick one to linger over, it would be Thomas Moran’s “Long Island Landscape” (1902), which, although significantly later than a lot of the other works here, reminds us of what Long Island once looked like. It is a bright painting of mature trees and thick underbrush along the banks of a stream, a study in the tranquil but rugged beauty of the Northeast coastal landscape.
From here the show detours into works by artists of the second generation of the Hudson River School that are associated with the Luminist movement in American art. Luminism is a mid-19th-century landscape painting style characterized by hazy effects of light and atmosphere and invisible brushwork. Notable examples here include the airy panoramas “An October Afternoon on the Juniata” (1879) by Sanford Robinson Gifford and “Arcadia” (circa 1850) by John Frederick Kensett.
Of course, the Hudson River School acquired its name because the artists primarily painted scenery along the river. There is no shortage of these sorts of works here, among them Frank Anderson’s “Breakneck Mountain, Hudson Highlands” (1878), Lemuel Maynard Wiles’s “Cove Near West Point” (1867), George Inness’s “Across the Hudson Valley, Foothills of the Catskills” (1868) and Samuel Colman’s “Barges on the Hudson” (1867), arguably the show’s best work and a definite candidate for the term masterpiece, whatever that means these days. A simple, tranquil river scene, it is very atmospheric, with a dramatic sky and shimmering water.
There is a small section devoted to seascapes and scenes of water followed by a group from the American West. Two paintings of animals at sunset in a vast and open landscape by Albert Bierstadt set the overall tone, followed by a dramatic view of Yosemite by Thomas Hill, painted circa 1887. It looks down into the Yosemite Valley, following the line of the Merced River, with natural landmarks like Sentinel Rock visible in the distance. The scene is enveloped in a light morning mist.
I stood looking at this work for some time, eventually imagining that I was there, standing on the cliff looking down into the valley; I could almost feel the wind on my face.
Eventually I drifted back to reality, gathered my notebook and left the museum. Thinking about this experience later, I was reminded of what is so pleasurable about the experience of a great work of art: For a brief moment, it allows you to forget where you are and be transported to another time and place.
?Poetic Journey: Hudson River School Paintings From the Grey Collection,? Nassau County Museum of Art, 1 Museum Drive, Roslyn Harbor, through March 15. Information: (516) 484-9337 or nassaumuseum.com.